PSP drops a small file called pspbrowse.jbf every time you browse a folder, and it helps the program to remember the order of the images you browse. I tried moving on and using other programs a few years back, but they either had a seperate browser in a different program or didn't have one at all. Probably the biggest reason I love it, though, and the function I use the most, is it's image browser. I have used it to repair some old photographs for my mother, getting rid of scratches and restoring colour, as one example. While everyone else used Photoshop or Gimp or whatever, we stuck with this old program. We're both self taught, which should tell you all you need to know about how easy it is to learn and master. Why do we use it? Well, there's the great, minimalist interface, which is very easy to learn. and the two of us still use it to this day. We'd already dismissed 8 and 9, so we just ignored what Corel was doing with PSP and kept using 7. Jasc was bought by Corel in 2004 and the program began to change.

Jasc Software, the developers, redesigned the interface for 8 and 9 and we didn't like it, so we stuck with 7. When version 6 came out, we upgraded to that, and then again with 7. We both found it to be an excellent tool, powerful for it's day with a great, easy to use interface, and introduced us to the concept of layers (basic stuff, I know, but back then.). I think the evaluation copy came free on a cd in some computer magazine a friend had bought. The first time I came across Paint Shop Pro was version 5, I think, or possibly 4, way back in the late 90's.